Thursday, June 18, 2009


It's 4:42
on Thursday
our last day.

I have to admit, I am probably more excited to leave than I am to stay because I miss my family, + see my old friends, but at the same time I am really going to miss camp!
well, apart from waking up at 6:30 every morning, of course.
That part I am NOT going to miss when I leave tomorrow. (:

There have been things I would have never had the chance to experience if it hadn't been for camp. I mean, it's not like you see someone riding a horse around the neighborhood when you live in dorky little-every-building-looks-the-same suburbs in East Mesa.

I also really enjoyed The Dance! and I know that's way cliche for an almost-12-year-old girl to be saying,
(b-day is next week)
but really! It was fun. In fact, I wasn't even expecting it to be fun, but, as they say, everything is not what it seems.

I must say, though, the songs were a little over-the-top for me... but hey, everybody has to have something that they aren't crazy about, right?

I smell like horse, *yuck* but it was TOTALLY worth it to go riding...
but I'm still thanking my lucky stars for showers and soap.



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