Thursday, June 25, 2009

Camp Wamotockick is the best camp I have ever been to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :):):):):):):):):):):) I hope I can come back for all the following years. This is a great experence anyone could ever have. Every event and every game is great.





the camm

My favorit things

I loved horseback riding and kayaking, but I did not like archery. I was the best on kayaking but I dropped my paddle.



hi my name is keiara, and I went kayaking Tusday and i tiptover. and it was funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ?????????? what does it mean.

Eagles 1 and 2

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

camp wamatochick

hi my name is angel. i was in the eagles. i had a great time hiking. we went to jesse james rock and to miner cave. miner cave is a long way from camp, and they will tell you about a mystery on the way. we went to sun set point; its the most amazing thing i ever saw.

read this

if you want to go to a camp don't go anywhere else except for camp wamatochick,and when you have free time pick horseback riding or go kayaking.


camp wamatochick!!

Camp Wamatochick was so cool. I liked everything especially the horses. The food was great I loved it.

Mickey Eagles #2


I had an awesome time at camp we hiked to Jesse james rock and miners cave it was fun. the cave was deep. it was all fun, but I dont want it to end.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


It's 4:42
on Thursday
our last day.

I have to admit, I am probably more excited to leave than I am to stay because I miss my family, + see my old friends, but at the same time I am really going to miss camp!
well, apart from waking up at 6:30 every morning, of course.
That part I am NOT going to miss when I leave tomorrow. (:

There have been things I would have never had the chance to experience if it hadn't been for camp. I mean, it's not like you see someone riding a horse around the neighborhood when you live in dorky little-every-building-looks-the-same suburbs in East Mesa.

I also really enjoyed The Dance! and I know that's way cliche for an almost-12-year-old girl to be saying,
(b-day is next week)
but really! It was fun. In fact, I wasn't even expecting it to be fun, but, as they say, everything is not what it seems.

I must say, though, the songs were a little over-the-top for me... but hey, everybody has to have something that they aren't crazy about, right?

I smell like horse, *yuck* but it was TOTALLY worth it to go riding...
but I'm still thanking my lucky stars for showers and soap.



camp wamatochick is fun

camp wamatochick is fun because we sing songs, do hiking and ride horses and more!Very very fun!


us at camp Wamatochick

I made a lot friends in my cabin and other friends in another cabins.We had too much fun making new friends at camp watomachick.The night stuff was fun Yea Horray! We went horse back riding!Olivias horse's name is lefty mine is roxan.They all had names.Last time we rode horses we were scared because it was our first time riding a horse but it was fun. We had so much fun at camp wamotachick we want to go again!

camp wamatochick rocks!!!!

Hi, I'm Maribel, one of the girls from spruce one. I love camp wamatochick.... it's like the greatest camp you could go to! I also met new friends but still kept the wamatochick is a place of friends! Also the counselors rock is the best!!!!!!!!!!! I think this is the best summer I ever had! All of the activites they have set up for you are the best like...........horseback riding, kayaking, hiking to jesse james and so much more........well i love camp wamatochick and hoping to come again next year, too........


hi I am karen, and I just loved my week at camp Wamatochick. It's been the best week ever. And I'm really hoping to come again next year with my old friends and still make much more!!!!

The day I came to camp!!!

Hi,I'm Victoria .and these are my friends.this is my 1st day in camp wamatochick.And I love it. And thank you for reading this.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This Is how I get down!!!

i <3 this pic!! my counselor is da bomb hahah!!!
i am the one in the blue jacket!!;p
not much to say but i loved this week of camp!!!
cant wait to MAYBE come back this summer!! I<3 Camp wamatochick!!


I met a couple friends at camp wamatochick.Some of them were in my cabin and we got along GREAT!Its all about making friends and getting along!HAVE FUN!HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!BYE. EMILY

i love me

this is my group. and we were practicing our skit. im the one in the white shirt putting my hand up! Bri :)

me myself and i

HEYYYY!!!! this camp is so cool and awesome! i love it here! this my first time here and so far i LOVE IT! no camp is better then this one! i have made a lot of friends here! the camp is so like clean and stuff! there is no place i would rather be right now!

BRI :)


I know that i especially had a blast at camp.Practicing skits, the talent show, and the activities were so much fun. Iv'e never been to camp wamatochick before and im really happy i got to!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emily

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey there !!!!!!!!!! I've had an awesome time at camp this year. I've seen alot of old friemds and meet tons of new ones. Theres this kid who's extremly quite and hated being here. my friends and i have been trying to make him have a good time and i think he is even though he won't admit it to us. Well I've enjoyed my time and am hoping i can come back next year.

V.O.P (vop it like it's hot)

Well, hello my name is Ella (EllaZombie!) and this is my 6th year, going to camp Wamatochick.
Camp is my favorite part of the summer, it's a way to get away and chill with the coolest people eva!(:

The reason I love camp is that I go to session 2 EVERY summer, and i get to see some old friends and make new ones, next year I get to be a CIT (counsler in training) wich is going to be the best ever(: I cant wait.

So there is this guy named tim, I met him on the bus up to camp, he was looking very sad and just unhappy, so being me i started talking to him and asking 20 questions. (Here they are)
Fav color: Black
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes (logan asked if there were snakes on it, there were not)
Have you ever been to a concert: No
Age: 14 (I think???)
Do you want to be here: No
I can't really remember all the other questions, but as you can see it seemed like he was haveing a rough go at it so I made a pack to my self that i will get him to have him a good time(:

Now last night we went night kyaicking, we got him to hang out with us at the fire pit!!!

This is the story!(:

We were sitting around the fire circle and we saw him sitting alone..... So we decided to go over and make him go to the fire circle. So we walked over and we started talking to him, but he wouldn't talk back, so we started singing the word please over and over and over again until he finally gave in and came with us. We started acting like it was a radio talk show and he was our guest, but we got bored and started randomly singing. I think he was slightly terrified, but we made him stay there until we basically had to leave. It was kinda cool, but when we did have to leave I got in a van with Brittany, Karley, Jordan, Christina, and a guy from the Trailblazers. We started rocking out to music and then it sounded like he was spilling water..... but Brittany looked at him and asked if he was okay and he apologized over and over again. We made our cabin counselor, Sash, pull over. It smelled SO bad, but it was alright because the guy was really cool about it and he kept on apologizing and telling us he felt really bad, but we were cool with it, stuff like that happens. That is the end of my novel, so back to other camp fun. (In the picture tim is the one in the blue shirt looking all sad) :[

He smiles now!(:
Ahhhh, Im actually happy that I had all of my friends there to help(:
Their the best!!!!

This is me and my Besties!(:
Im the one is all purple!(:


Brr, It's Cold In Here, There Must Be Some VOP in the Atmostphere!

I have been going to Camp Wamatochick for 4 years now and it is the funnest camp I have ever been to. I am a VOP this year, I am thinking you already guessed that by now, and that is like seriously the bomb diggity. We are the oldest girls and we have so much fun just being random and weird it's so much fun to be around people that are the same. It is my one week away from normal life to hang around with people I have never met before, but they instantly become my good friends. =]]

Ella is pretty bagng bang shaBang!(:

We sing Ceilon Dion when were horse back riding(:

(Me and EllaZombie!)

Hey, I'm Christina! I've had a super time at camp!!!! This is my first year here and there is no question about coming back! Me and my friends also met this awesome, quiet person his name is Tim!!! He was not enjoying camp but I think we changed that! :D We showed him the best time ever at camp. I hope all you other bloggers have too! H.A.G.S

This camp is a great place to play. It also is a great place to hang with old friends and meet new ones. I have been to this camp 6 times and never a bad review.

Camp Wamatochick

Hi, I'm Josh. This is my first year at this camp. I heard it from my friend and he asked me to tag along. He said I should try an "original" camp. All of the other camps I've went to were basketball camps. So I'm glad I tried this one. It's been really fun so far, and I'm looking foward to more. But I'm also looking foward for it to end cause I miss my family.

camp wamatochick

Hi I'm Jacob and this is my first year at camp.
at first i didn't think i would have a good time but i came because my friend said i would have fun. so i did. Camp is fun and i always have a fun time.
P.S. I'm not In the picture

i like this camp because you could make new friends and be reunited with old friends too! this camp is really awesome! i love it alot! this is me and my friend Tara! we go to the same school together and also we will be going to the same middle school together! we love to make new friends! so come to camp wamatochick and make new friends also have fun!

i love this camp we can make new friends and we can be with old friends.
What's up, my name is Lucas. Coming to Camp Wamatochick is so much fun because i get to hangout with new friends, ride horses, and be part of a big family.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hi! My name is Logan. My summer school was boring. Camp Wamatochick is cool. I want to go here cause my mom told me. I Like horsebackridding. I like sally, and I like kayaking. I got wet. I like going in a boat. I like geting wet out here it's cool out here.


Hi! My name is Ryder. Yesterday, me and my group went to the lake and went kayaking.It was cool. Me and my friends learned about the seaweed monkey. So, be careful if you're barbecuing because the seaweed monkey eats meat and people food.

Camp Wamatochick

Hi! My name is Alyssa. Before I came to my 3rd year of camp I didn't want to go on the horses and I didn't want to go kayaking, but when i was sitting out with the Badgers counselor he said that these horses are new and know the trail that we go on. Then everyone came back and had a great time. Then I went on a horse and had the greatest time of my life. And all of the activities was so much fun. My favorite activity is TEAM CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love writing notes to the mascott , MINOWEE.

the best horse I ever rode

The best horse was sally she tried to bite my toes. It is funny and she is slow, but she is nice. She is really cute. The leader said she never got in a fight.

The Duch Auction

Hi. My name is Vincent. I am at Camp Wamatochick. I am going to tell you about the Extreme Duch Auction. It was the best thing at camp. All of the counselers dressed up as super heroes. The theme is super week. Our judge was "The Earthalizer". She had a blue mask and a blue cape that had a picture of the earth in the middle. One of the judges was "The Archer". She wore a green hat and mask. It looked like she could be Green Arrow's sister. It was really Tiffany, our archery teacher. It was really cool!


I am Mike and I love camp Wamatochick! It is so fun! My favorite part is hiking. I love climbing the rocks and if you're lucky you can find gold. There is Jesse James' foot print in the rock. There is Counselor's Rock it is very hard to climb for campers.

Hi i am Cesar and i am at Camp Wamatochick i am having a great time and a lot of
things have been happening and I wanted to come here because my mom said that i should get away from TV and from playing outside and from playing PlayStation and i have also been here for 4 years and that's just why i enjoy it so much here and my counselor name is Kyle and Matt i also like to go horse-back riding and i also like to go to sports and games and hiking and kiwanas.

Hike to Jesse James

My name is Josh, and I have been to Camp Wamatochick for two years. Although I have been to Counselor's Rock at least five times, I have never found any gold. Here is the story of Jesse James and how I found gold. Jesse and his follower were on the run by the Sheriff and the Sheriff shot Jesse's boot and he was wearing Steel-Toed Boots so it left a footprint. The only reason Jesse was there was because he had hid gold there. And this year my cabin mate and I found gold over by Counselor's Rock. Every once in a while everyone would find some gold. And we found gold not much but I still found some gold.

Josh from Camp Wamatochick

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Session One!

Camp is off to a great start!
Camp Cruz is here this week, and the campers are having a great time!

The highlight of the week so far has to be the counselor "dance off" which was a part of our Extreme Dutch Auction. A Trailblazer counselor, Josh, stole the show debuting his extreme back flip on the dance floor.
Favorites of the week so far: The banana song, Archery, Sewing, Kayaking (minus the wind), finding gold at Jesse James, and apple pie.
Tonight is Minowe's Theater, in which all of our cabin groups will be acting out a camp song in a skit. We look forward to the great show!

Look again soon to see future posts made by campers in our computer lab.
