Well, hello my name is Ella (EllaZombie!) and this is my 6th year, going to camp Wamatochick.
Camp is my favorite part of the summer, it's a way to get away and chill with the coolest people eva!(:
The reason I love camp is that I go to session 2 EVERY summer, and i get to see some old friends and make new ones, next year I get to be a CIT (counsler in training) wich is going to be the best ever(: I cant wait.
So there is this guy named tim, I met him on the bus up to camp, he was looking very sad and just unhappy, so being me i started talking to him and asking 20 questions. (Here they are)
Fav color: Black
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes (logan asked if there were snakes on it, there were not)
Have you ever been to a concert: No
Age: 14 (I think???)
Do you want to be here: No
I can't really remember all the other questions, but as you can see it seemed like he was haveing a rough go at it so I made a pack to my self that i will get him to have him a good time(:
Now last night we went night kyaicking, we got him to hang out with us at the fire pit!!!
This is the story!(:
We were sitting around the fire circle and we saw him sitting alone..... So we decided to go over and make him go to the fire circle. So we walked over and we started talking to him, but he wouldn't talk back, so we started singing the word please over and over and over again until he finally gave in and came with us. We started acting like it was a radio talk show and he was our guest, but we got bored and started randomly singing. I think he was slightly terrified, but we made him stay there until we basically had to leave. It was kinda cool, but when we did have to leave I got in a van with Brittany, Karley, Jordan, Christina, and a guy from the Trailblazers. We started rocking out to music and then it sounded like he was spilling water..... but Brittany looked at him and asked if he was okay and he apologized over and over again. We made our cabin counselor, Sash, pull over. It smelled SO bad, but it was alright because the guy was really cool about it and he kept on apologizing and telling us he felt really bad, but we were cool with it, stuff like that happens. That is the end of my novel, so back to other camp fun. (In the picture tim is the one in the blue shirt looking all sad) :[

He smiles now!(:
Ahhhh, Im actually happy that I had all of my friends there to help(:
Their the best!!!!
This is me and my Besties!(:
Im the one is all purple!(:
